Litres of water, textile materials, labour go into making something as simple as a plain shirt. And more often than you’d think, that shirt could end up in the overstocked pile and never see the light of day. We want to reduce unnecessary waste and achieve zero inventory, and more importantly, we want to make clothes that would fit you like a glove - so we thought, what’s better than having you design your shirt?

This is how “Scan-to-Make” works
Step 1
3D scanner at our store take your measurements on the spot.
Step 2
Generating your 3D body profile in 3 sec.
Step 3
You can choose what kind of fabric and design you like, our system will then take over and do the heavy work.
Step 4
Your very own shirt created by you and for you. You can even have your initials, or any words embroidered with our monogram service!
We want to reduce unnecessary waste and achieve zero inventory, and more importantly, we want to make clothes that would fit you like a glove - so we thought, what’s better than having you design your shirt?
This is how “Scan-to-Make” works – the 3D scanner at our store take your measurements on the spot, then you can choose what kind of fabric and design you like, our system will then take over and do the heavy work. And voila! Your very own shirt created by you and for you. You can even have your initials, or any words embroidered with our monogram service!