Wildone Leash Lilac

$2,303.59 TWD
來自 Wildone

  • A durable, water-proof leash that allows you to easily change lengths.
  • It's dirt and odor resistant, easy-to-clean, and made with flex-poly straps and sturdy hardware.
  • Perfect for easy temporary tie-ups, quick short-leash adjustments, tandem walks, and everyday adventures.
  • Materials
    • Flex poly coated webbing strap, zinc alloy snap hooks, coated carbon steel D-rings.
  • Size Guide

    For tiny pups (20lbs and under), you'll love the Small Leash for daily strolling. Larger dogs should size up, opting for our Standard Leash, which can handle heavy lifting.

    Length Width For dogs
    Small 145cm 1.2cm <9kg
    Standard 185cm 1.9cm <23kg